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Friday, 31 August 2012

Homeopathy and Homeopathic remedies, an answer to the incurable psoriasis

Researches have evidently proved that psoriatic patients experienced a momentous improvement in their disease manifestation as well as the quality of their lives after taking Homeopathic treatment.

Psoriasis, an auto-immune inflammatory disorder primarily affecting the skin has been classified into basic five types as plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular and erythrodermic. The disease is marked by silvery white scaly patches appearing in the epidermal layer of the skin. Lesions commonly appear in the skin above the elbow and knees but may appear anywhere on the body. It is a chronic disorder marked with a tendency to recur at regular period of intervals.

Causes of psoriasis are stiff unknown but in many cases there have been evidences of genetic predispositions. However, there are many triggers which are known to aggravate the prevailing psoriatic conditions thereby making it a challenging condition to be treated.

Major stressor causes include:
  • Stress
  • Cold Climatic Condition
  • Discontinuing certain medicines like corticosteroids
  • Injury
Flaring up of the disease can be brought about by injury to the skin known as Koebner Phenomena. Psoriasis may affect the joint and cause severe forms of arthropathies known as psoriatic arthropathy or psoriatic arthritis.

Homeopathy believes that psoriasis is an immune mediated condition brought about by faulty signals sent in the body's immune system. Therefore, Homeopathy works to stabilize the anomalous immune system. Homeopathic medicines arouse the body's own healing abilities by restoring the balance of the immune system and decreasing the person’s susceptibility towards a trigger agent that aggravates the disease.

The duration of Homeopathic treatment varies from case to case depending on the following factors:
  • Time duration of psoriatic affection
  • Parts of the body affected
  • Extent of spread of the lesions
  • Any previous medications taken like steroids
  • General health and associated diseases
Homeopathic treatment of psoriasis has been very controversial amongst the people taking treatment for it as the immediate change observed by them after the Homeopathic medicine has been given for the first time, is diverse in different patients. Some experience a slight amelioration; some report no change whereas some report a bad flaring up of the complaints. Most of patients of psoriasis usually observe ameliorating results in about 1-2 months of Homoeopathic treatment and complete relief maybe observed in about 1 to 2 years.

The Homeopathic response can be illustrated through various cases treated with Homeopathy:

A 58 year old widow suffered from extensive psoriasis affecting her scalp, face, chest and both hands along with rheumatic complaints of the joints especially the wrist and ankles marked with great rigidity and swelling. Her history revealed that it was 4 years ago that she had lost her husband and she had a tendency to brood over the past unpleasant situations with lot of weeping. She had two sons one of whom was an earning member and the other studying. The family suffered from great financial difficulties as the earning son lived separately not caring for her mother or his family.

Homeopathic Remedy given: Medo 1000 2 doses (to be taken 12 hours apart) were given.

After 3 weeks: Aggravation of joint pains for few days. Sep 200 3 doses were given. One dose taken daily at bedtime for 3 days.

After 10 days: Some improvement in stiffness at the joints noticed whereas skin lesions healed up. Kali Sulph 6X, 5 tablets to be taken thrice a day with Sep 10M 2 doses to be taken 12 hours apart.

Skin and Rheumatic complaints improved within a month. Patient has had no relapse of both the complaints.

Rubrics considered:
  • Weeping while narrating her illness
  • Despair of recovery
  • Mortification ailments from
  • Psoriasis
  • Worse wet weather
Homeopathic case of psoriasis
Homeopathic case of psoriasis
 Psoriasis is known to be a psychosomatic disorder having its root cause to be an internal ailment. Hence, its complete cure necessarily needs a remedial influence which can essentially eradicate the malady from its root. Homoeopathy is one such system of medicine which believes in stimulating the immune system to eliminate the cause and thus, effectively treat the disease.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Efficacy of Homeopathy In Allergic Disorders & Its Homeopathic Therapeutics

In developing countries like India, the rate of allergic patients is increasing rapidly. Currently 10% to 30% population is affected by various allergic disorders worldwide. The main causative factors are dietary errors and faulty life style.

What Is Allergy?

An Allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. It is an abnormal reaction or increased Sensitivity to specific substance. Allergic person's immune system easily reacts to normally harmless substances in the environment. Allergies can manifest after ingestion, inhalation, injection and infestation etc. Non-allergic person never gets affected by specific substances which affects allergic individuals on even exposure.


Normally reactions are to contact, food and airborne allergens. There are many common substances to which people may develop an allergic response.
  1. Food: Such as proteins, eggs, milk and dairy, seafood, wheat, peanuts, certain vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes etc. The allergens in food are responsible for inciting an allergic reaction. They are proteins which are resistant to heat of cooking, the acid in the stomach and the intestinal digestive enzymes. As a result, these allergens survive to cross the gastrointestinal lining, enter the bloodstream, and go to target organs, or parts causing allergic reactions throughout the body.
  2. Common Environmental Factors: Such as pollen, dust, sunlight, dust mites, animal fur, etc.
  3. Various Natural and Synthetic substances such as pesticides, nickel, latex, medicines like sulpha drugs, penicillin etc. can cause severe allergic reactions.
Precautions and Allopathic View:

The primary step is to avoid exposure to the allergen as much as possible. This is effective but not possible in highly susceptible individuals. Immunotherapy as well as drugs like corticosteroids and anti-histamines may not give permanent relief or a long lasting relief.

Homeopathic Philosophy and Treatment:

Homeopathy is an advanced progressive medical science. The goal of Homeopathy allergy treatment is the strengthening of the individual’s immune system. This is possible through constitutional treatment which decreases the hypersensitivity to the substance. Homeopathic medicines aid to restore the deviated state of hyper-susceptibility back to normal susceptibility. It alters immune system reaction to allergen.

Homeopathic medicines act by:
  • Removing the allergic symptoms
  • Preventing exacerbations
  • Controlling and help in curing the altered immune response and decreasing sensitivity
The person seeking Homeopathic treatment for allergy undergoes detailed case taking. Homeopathic case-taking includes detailed history of life circumstances around the time of onset of the allergy symptoms, situations which cause an exacerbation of the allergy symptoms, situations which leads to a relief from allergy symptoms, feelings aroused by the allergy symptoms etc. In allergic conditions, hosts as well as the environmental factors are important for Homeopathic doctor while selecting medicine.

When Homeopathic similimum is difficult to find, some general and specific medicines may provide symptomatic relief from allergies. Like, Pulsatilla and Arsenic Alb are very useful in fruit allergy, Ferrum met and Tuberculinum works effectively in egg allergies.

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Homeopathy drugs for Egg allergy

Phosphorous is infallible drug in banana allergy, Sulphur is efficacious in chocolate allergy and Blatta orientalis and Python for dust allergy.
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Homeopathy drugs for Dust allergy

Homeopathy is the best solution for allergic patients for permanent cure as homeopathic drugs helps in improving the constitution of the person and increase immunity.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Homeopathy Software : Various Avatars Of Hompath

One of the most thoroughly researched and refined homeopathy software available in the Homoeopathic world today is the path-breaking “HOMPATH” software. Envisioned, conceived and painstakingly chiselled by a dedicated team of Homoeopaths spearheaded by the indefatigable Dr. Jawahar Shah, this homeopathy software comprises of the WORLD’S LARGEST HOMOEOPATHIC DATABASE.

Combining the best of Indian software skills with the best of Indian Homeopathic wisdom, Mind Technologies has created the world’s best homeopathy software solution in the form of ‘HOMPATH’. More than 30 years of commitment, dedication, and tireless efforts have resulted in the development of the most advanced version of this homeopathy software. This latest homeopathy software is available in various ‘AVATARS’ inspired from the ‘FIVE ELEMENTS’ of mother nature – Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and Fire.

The various AVATARS of ‘HOMPATH’ homeopathy software are listed below:

1. Hompath Wildfire : Good health should spread like wildfire.
It is the most advanced and refined version of Hompath that provides comprehensive solutions to rubrics, remedies, symptoms, clinical cases, etc. It also comes loaded with 7 expert systems and 36 repertories.

2. Hompath PurpleRock : Inner strength for success.
It has been designed to provide a strong foundation and achieve success while treating the most difficult cases. It stands out like a solid rock in the face of difficulties and weathers every storm that the Homeopath faces in his practice of the Healing Art of Homeopathy.

3. Hompath EcoTeak : Step up to success.
Its innovative features and intuitive user-interface gives it its inherent strength. It is simple to use, yet highly effective in day-to-day Homeopathic practice.

4. Hompath IceBreaker : Carve your own success.
It is a special software designed to help one break through the ice-cold unknowns of the world of homeopathic practice. It helps the Homeopath to boldly and confidently venture into new, unchartered territory and expand his horizons beyond the usual limits.

5. Hompath NeoMetal : Embrace new success.
It forms a perfect balance for beginners as well as experts in the field of homeopathy practice.

6. Hompath FireFly : Highlight your career.
It is a unique homeopathy software specially designed for beginners and student12:35 PM 8/4/2012s to help them grasp and put to use the various homeopathic concepts into clinical practice.

7. Hompath Edge : Get sharp. Prepare to succeed.
It is specifically designed for homeopathic students to cultivate in them a keen interest and better understanding of homeopathy as well as to welcome them to the fascinating world of homeopathy software.

Each one of the above homeopathy software Avatar is custom designed keeping in mind the needs, budget, and the best interests of each and every Homeopath globally. Thus, there is at least one Avatar to fulfil the requirements of each and every homoeopath around the world.

Thus, HOMPATH, the world’s leading homeopathy software : is a Goldmine comprising of more than 10 million symptoms, 37 repertories, 5000+ cases, 3000+ remedy details, 2700 authors, 7 specialized expert systems, 3000+ clinical tips and much, much more.

It is no surprise then that HOMPATH is the world’s leading homeopathy software. It is truly modern India’s invaluable gift to the entire world of homeopathy software.

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Hompath Various Avatars

Thursday, 9 August 2012

How Confidently Can You As Homeopathic Healer Treat Asthma With Homeopathy?

It has been estimated that about 300 million people in the world and 30 million people in our country are a prey to various forms of asthma accounting to a total of 10% of the world’s asthmatic population. Despite of the latest researches, advances and invention of extremely affordable medications, the current scenario of asthma is not very convincing. Probable reasons include ignorance, people being unaware of the situation, undiagnosed cases or patients receiving sub-optimal treatment. About 50% of the asthmatic population fails to adhere to the regular medication protocols.

Asthma, a chronic obstructive respiratory disorder is known to occur as a result of heightened immune response to a particular allergen. The disease is marked by episodes of severe breathlessness causing wheezing and cough with a sensation of oppression in the chest occurring as a result of an exposure to a stimulant. Common triggers include dust, pollen, changes in weather, molds, pet animals, chemicals in air or food, tobacco smoke, strong emotions, etc.

When different systems of healing have provided a symptomatic relief, homeopathy promises a lasting cure for a disease like asthma, which inspite of repeated efforts is evoked back by the slightest of a trigger.

Reasons why Homeopathy works:
  • Homeopathy essentially focuses on the man in disease rather than the man’s disease.
  • Homeopathic physician takes a detailed history of the patient including the intricacies of his life situation, paying more emphasis to find the causative, aggravating and ameliorating modality.
  • Homeopathy investigates for any history of suppression especially through the skin.
  • Homeopathy discovers the familial tendencies and predispositions.
  • Homeopathy effectively works on patient’s immune system and normalizes the susceptibility. Thus, Homeopathy brings about a normal reaction to a particular allergen to which a person was previously hypersensitive.
After a detailed case history, Homeopathic physician prescribes a remedy that covers the symptoms of the disease as well as the characteristics of the patient. Many a times, after administration of a simillimum (the most suitable homeopathic remedy), physician notices amelioration in the asthmatic symptoms but reappearance of the previously present skin eruption thereby suggesting two things:
  1. The Homeopathic remedy given is working in accordance with the Hering’s Law of cure.
  2. There has been a history of suppression of a skin disease interiorizing itself to the deeper organs.
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Asthma and Suppression
 As the treatment commences, a homeopathic physician may witness
  • The intensity of the attack reduces
  • The frequency of the attack reduces
  • As the patient keeps on improving with Homeopathy, the attack stops and patient feels healthy
  • Complete desensitization to the allergen by Homeopathy ensured by no symptom manifestation on exposure to the known allergen
Did you know?
  • Homeopathic drug Sanicula has fish-brine odour in the mouth just before an attack of asthma.
  • Homeopathic drug Bovista has cutting pains in the tongue before an attack of asthma.
  • Veratrum album, a homeopathic remedy has congestion of liver with asthmatic complaints.
  • Homeopathic remedy Phosphorus has itching in the shoulders with asthmatic complaints.
  • Homeopathic remedy Borax is suitable for cases manifesting spasmodic convulsions before asthma.
Cannabis sativa, a homeopathic drug for dyspnoea or asthma, where the patient can only breathe by standing up. Choking while swallowing. Things go down the wrong way.

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Cannabis indica for Asthma

Mutabile is an infallible remedy in homeopathy for asthma resulting from suppression of any disease.

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Mutabile for Asthma
Juncus Effusus can be used in homeopathic treatment of haemorrhoidal subject having asthmatic complaints.

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Jancus Effusus in treating Asthma
Homeopathy also has a special repertory called the Asthma Repertory by Dr. Jawahar Shah, exclusively designed to treat asthma.

There is no second thought that homeopathy is greatly efficacious in treating asthmatic disorder. It is all about the treating homeopathic physician, who needs to have the conviction in demonstrating its worth.