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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Repertorisation Software - Fast Solutions For A Fast World

Homoeopathy has come a long way since its discovery by Samuel Hahnemann way back in 1796. As the years have progressed, homoeopathy has kept up with the pace, movement and rhythm of the world. Its philosophy has stood the test of time and emerged richer and stronger.

Newer remedies were discovered as years passed. Provings became more scientific, extensive and exhaustive. Keeping track of all the drugs and their indications became an uphill task as physicians had to sift through 1000s of pages of Materia Medica books in their search for the perfect similimum.

Today, Homoeopathy boasts of not less than 3000 remedies as part of its therapeutic armamentarium. The ever increasing data of homeopathic literature has gradually deemed manual repertorisation extremely tedious and time consuming. It is a major hurdle for every homeopath in his busy practice.

The introduction of the Computer revolutionised the field of technology and made its presence felt in all the fields of work spanning across the world, and homeopathy was no exception.

Soon, various repertorisation software were created, making remedy searching and targeting quicker and nullifying the time-consuming process of skimming through numerous Repertory books.

The Computer made the process of repertorisation faster and more efficient, and was the key factor in generating more awareness about its necessity and its advantages.

From very basic repertorisation software to the newer and more sophisticated homeopathic software like Hompath, the goal of each has been the same – reducing manual work, saving time and making the perfect prescription.

How does Repertorisation Software benefit you ?
  • Saves your time: It saves your precious time by doing the mechanical repertorisation work within a few seconds and enables you to concentrate on more important tasks.
  • Suggests multiple strategies: It allows the application of various strategies of repertorisation and filters to narrow down your search and promptly arrive at a more refined result. A variety of filter options can narrow down your search from 3000 to 3 and finally to 1 final remedy.
  • Improves accuracy / refines search: Various symptoms as well as their cross references, synonyms and parallel words can be accessed promptly and with very high accuracy. Get the precise symptom as described by the patient.
  • Saves valuable space: Advanced software have huge databases – almost like an entire library – compressed and condensed in the PC. Thus, one can save all the space required for storing various books, magazines, references, records, etc. Imagine replacing a room with 3000 books with just one software-loaded PC or Laptop.
  • Helps organize your work: When working with a repertorisation software, all information is available at the click of a button, making referencing easier and well-organized. In software like the latest version of Hompath - Hompath Wildfire - every aspect of a remedy / rubric / repertorisation is available in a single screen with suggestions, options and alternatives.
  • Widen your search: One of the biggest benefits of repertorisation software is that you can search through the materia medica for symptoms NOT found in the repertory.
  • Carry along your clinic: You can carry the entire database and your records in the repertorisation software on your laptop and soon on the cellphone too. Thus, one can carry one’s entire office along anywhere one travels.
  • Research: You can create your own repertory (cancer, diabetes, asthma repertories) or compile research thesis in a speedy yet professional manner using the repertorisation software tools and applications.
  • Expert Systems: One can learn from the wonderful homeopathic Experts sitting in the comfort and convenience of your home or clinic.
………………… and many, many more amazing features at your disposal and service 24x7

Isn’t the repertorisation software an amazing tool and a boon to all homeopaths around the world ? Now, every homeopath can become modern and tech-savvy so as to maximize his resources and skills and write his own success story. Isn’t that the goal and dream of every true homeopath ??

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Robin Murphy Repertory- A New Approach To Clinical Homoeopathy

Modern homoeopathic practice entails a more clinical and practical approach towards patient diagnosis and remedy selection. The dynamicity of our science is such that we see the addition of newly proved remedies to the homoeopathic armamentum everyday.

Robin Murphy Repertory is the answer to the changing mode of prescribing in homoeopathy. The 3rd edition of the Robin Murphy Repertory is the upgraded version of the second, having 20,000 new rubrics and hundreds of new remedies.

The new Robin Murphy Repertory boasts of an updated database of modern medical terminology and disorders. It comprises thousands of new clinical rubrics that the physician can refer easily and in a more efficient manner.

An alphabetical mode of formatting of the Chapters as well as the rubrics and sub-rubrics makes searching through the vast and well-researched 74 chapters in the Robin Murphy Repertory an easy task and a delightful experience.

Robin Murphy Repertory includes gems from the original Kent’s repertory, as well as significant embellishments from the literature of Samuel Hahnemann, Allen, Hering, Boericke, Knerr, Kunzli, Phatak, Boenninghausen, Burnett, Clarke, Grimmer, Julian, Kunzli, Nash, and many more noted authors.

All the additions included in the repertory have been included after a methodical review of the enormous literature of our homoeopathic treasures, so that the final output is a well-authenticated piece of writing that is the Robin Murphy Repertory.

With the concept of keeping practicality as the core of the Robin Murphy Repertory, Dr. Murphy himself adds a host of clinical updates from his years of homoeopathic experience and herbal study. Thousands of new clinical rubrics have been especially incorporated in sections of emergencies, infections, mental disorders and pathologies, thereby improving the chance of finding the similimum more easily than we thought in many clinical and pathological conditions.

Some rubrics found only in Murphy’s Repertory

[Murphy] [Clinical] Acne, general: Chocolate, from:

[Murphy] [Spleen] Bubbling, sensation:

The new remedies added in various rubrics staunchly refute the allegations that homoeopathy is an ancient and stagnant science. In fact, many new remedies added in Robin Murphy Repertory are dynamized versions of the modern allopathic drugs.

[Murphy] [Sleep] Yawning, general: Vomiting, between the acts of:

New Chapters in Robin Murphy Repertory: Cancer, Clinical, Dreams, Fainting, Gallbladder, Speech, Spleen, Taste, Time, Vaccinations, Weakness.

[Murphy] [Gallbladder] Bile, general: Yellow, watery bile, full of pale:

New Clinical Rubrics in Robin Murphy Repertory : Addictions, A.I.D.S., Anxiety attacks, Asphyxia, Appendicitis, Auto-immune disorders, Burns, Cancers, Chemotherapy, Chronic Fatigue, Compulsive-Obsessive Disorder, Coma, Dehydration, Diabetes, Drug overdose, Endometriosis, Food Poisoning, Gastroenteritis, Hepatitis, Herpes, Infertility, Influenza, Malaria, Mononucleosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Radiation Sickness, Retinitis, SARS, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Sea sickness, Surgery, Tetanus, Tourette's syndrome, Typhoid fever, Vaccinations, etc.

[Murphy] [Clinical] AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome:

The Robin Murphy Repertory is one of the pioneers of the changing face of homoeopathy, veering the trend towards a more practical and clinical approach to the science, so that the physician can give a more confident prescription, thereby ensuring sure success in his practice.